The salt of beauty: natural cures and remedies

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Between the treatments and the natural remedies for beauty, an important position holds the salt, which has known healing properties for centuries.
In fact, salt is known for its disinfectant characteristics, which were only discovered in the mid-17th century.
Let's think for example of iodine, a saline component present in the sea, which is used to treat people suffering from respiratory problems.
Furthermore, salt is an excellent draining and modeling agent and helps free the tissues of our body from water retention.

How to use salt and other natural beauty remedies

One of the ways salt can be used is a relaxing bath. Just fill the tub with not too hot water and pour in a cup of Dead Sea Salt, and then immerse yourself in it for at least a quarter of an hour.

sale rimedi naturali di bellezza adl 1The Dead Sea Salt purifies the body and thanks to its enormous concentration of magnesium and potassium, it can deflate the tissues, carrying out an anti-inflammatory activity and giving a feeling of freshness.
After this phase, to support and emphasize the beneficial action of the salt, you can move on to hydration of the body, through the massage with an essential oil, such aslavender oil for a'relaxing action or the anti-cellulite essential oils, L'rosemary essential oil (astringent and anti-cellulite) orrose essential oil mosqueta, with soothing, anti-aging, toning and harmonizing properties.


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