Specialization course for security guard - BASIC Course + AIR TRANSPORT MODULE


Corso per Aspirante Guardia Giurata Particolare – Corso BASE + Modulo TRASPORTO AEREOPREREQUISITI MINIMI:
EU citizenship
No criminal record
ex art. 138 TULPSRoma, dal 17 al 22 Aprile 2023

open registrationsOPZIONE DI STAGE NEI SERVIZI FIDUCIARI PRATICO OPERATIVO SU TERRITORIO NAZIONALE ( minimo 50 ore )Certificazioni rilasciate:

  • Certificate signed by our Institute which enjoys the ISO 9001 (TUV) certification;
  • Certificate relating to initial training for aspiring special security guards pursuant to Ministerial Decree 269/2010;
  • Certificate of suitability for the use and handling of firearms, long firearms and short firearms, issued by the TSN of Rome or Milan;
  • Certificate relating to the use of the Metal Detector;
  • Private certificate on false document recognition;
  • Certificate on Legislative Decree 81/08: Basic training and MEDIUM specific risk;
  • Private certificate "Aviation Security Introduction";
  • Private certificate "Introduction to the use of equipment and image reading technique";
  • KUAI Self-Defense Techniques Certificate;
  • Certificate relating to the use of the MvsNET SICEP management system used in the operational centers;
  • Internship certificate, if chosen

Potrai effettuare lo Stage nei servizi fiduciari in una delle seguenti StruttureTestimonianze del CorsoDesideri ricevere informazioni sul corso?

L’Aspirante Guardia Giurata nel trasporto aereoIl Corso offre una preparazione di base certificata ai sensi del D.M. 269 del 2010 per le aspiranti guardie giurate con specific training in the field of air transport.

Inside each airport, security checks are in charge of supervising passengers, hand baggage and hold baggage; to this end, the airport security officer is a professional specialized in the recognition of false documents, in the use of x-ray equipment or metal detector and in the use of X-ray equipment.

They can operate at the access to the sterile area or in the other transit areas.

La necessità di incrementare i controlli all’interno degli aeroporti richiede un impiego sempre maggiore di queste figure attraverso appositi iter di selezione che, spesso, si concludono con l’elaborazione di graduatorie attribuendo ad ogni candidato un punteggio di partenza.  Il punteggio è determinato sulla base dei requisiti di base (titolo di studio e fedina penale pulita) e di quelli preferenziali che riguardano la sfera delle competenze tecniche e delle certificazioni possedute.Compiti e competenzeLa figura nello specifico si occupa di:

  • manage the security of the operational headquarters;
  • control and manage access to the headquarters;
  • fill in the reference forms;
  • carry out communications through the appropriate means (radio, telephone and satellite);
  • manage communications with surveillance stations and area patrols;
  • monitor remote alarms through MVS Net software;
  • manage alarm interventions;
  • keep the keys of the customers
  • organize and manage duty shifts.
  • check the identity of passengers
  • control of travelers departing or in transit
  • check hand and hold baggage, even with the use of special equipment
  • use the metal detector and X-ray equipment
  • check, in general, that there are no suspicious activities or monitor their evolution

Sbocchi professionaliL’esperienza lavorativa come addetto ai controlli di sicurezza rappresenta un trampolino di lancio all’interno del mondo dedicato ai servizi di sicurezza e controllo ormai diffusi in tutte le realtà pubbliche e private.Fasi del corsoPREPARATORY PHASE

  • Preparatory material: TULPS;
  • Video lezioni registrate di Inglese Base (8 ore) + Inglese Tecnico (4 ore) + dispense a supporto in formato digitale di inglese  base e tecnico; 
  • 40 hours of training relating to Ministerial Decree 269/2010 with relative test (on Platform);
  • 12 hours of training on Legislative Decree 81/08: Basic and MEDIUM specific risk (on online platform);
  • 2 hours of online training on the recognition of false documents. 


  • Full immersion in the classroom 48 hours of frontal lessons (8 hours a day) a Roma;

INTERNSHIP PHASE (after the classroom phase)

  • Training internship in trust services (OPTIONAL) lasting 50 hours throughout the national territory;


  • Professional orientation meeting during the classroom phase;
  • Creation of the video curriculum;
  • Re-elaboration and updating of the Curriculum Vitae;
  • Dissemination of the Curriculum Vitae to companies in the sector on the national territory.

Informazioni sul CorsoEssere cittadino italiano o di uno Stato membro dell’Unione europea;
Avere raggiunto la maggiore età ed avere adempiuto agli obblighi di leva;
Essere in possesso della licenza media (preferibile il diploma);
Non avere riportato condanna per delitto;
Essere persona di buona condotta morale;
Essere munito della carta di identità.Per candidarsi al corso, è necessario compilare il form di richiesta informazioni presente sul sito internet www.accademiadellavoro.it, con il quale il candidato richiede di partecipare alla selezione per il CorsoÈ prevista, per la partecipazione al corso, una prova di selezione che prevede:
- examination of the CV and motivational letter of the candidate;
- motivational and psycho-attitudinal interview with a didactic consultant;
La commissione esaminatrice comunicherà l’esito della selezione e l’ammissione al Corso. Successivamente il candidato potrà procedere alla compilazione e all’invio del modulo di adesione.Il corso prevede la possibilità di ottenere il Finanziamento della quota totale di partecipazione. Inoltre, al termine del corso, l’Ente di formazione si impegnerà a divulgare i curricula dei corsisti presso aziende operanti nel settore.Massimo 20 Partecipanti per Edizione

  • Certificate signed by our Institute which enjoys the ISO 9001 (TUV) certification;
  • Certificate relating to initial training for aspiring special security guards pursuant to Ministerial Decree 269/2010;
  • Certificate of suitability for the use and handling of firearms, long firearms and short firearms, issued by the TSN of Rome or Milan;
  • Certificate relating to the use of the Metal Detector;
  • Private certificate on false document recognition;
  • Certificate on Legislative Decree 81/08: Basic training and MEDIUM specific risk;
  • Private certificate "Aviation Security Introduction";
  • Private certificate "Introduction to the use of equipment and image reading technique";
  • KUAI Self-Defense Techniques Certificate;
  • Certificate relating to the use of the MvsNET SICEP management system used in the operational centers;
  • Internship certificate, if chosen



  • Foundations of Law
  • Law and order and public security
  • Knowledge of T.U.L.P.S.
  • Concepts of constitutional and criminal law
  • Legal and regulatory provisions governing supervisory activities
  • Functions and responsibilities of the various private security actors
  • Functions and Attributions of the Special Guard
  • Professional ethics
  • Criminal law and consequent liability of private security operators
Forms, modalities and terms of cooperation with police and local police
Contracts and Rights and Duties of Workers

  • Foundations of Law
  • Law and order and public security
  • Knowledge of T.U.L.P.S.
  • Concepts of constitutional and criminal law
  • Legal and regulatory provisions governing supervisory activities
  • Functions and responsibilities of the various private security actors
  • Functions and Attributions of the Special Guard
  • Professional ethics
  • Criminal law and consequent liability of private security operators
Forms, modalities and terms of cooperation with police and local police
Contracts and Rights and Duties of Workers

  • Safety rules
  • Operation of short and long guns
  • Safe handling of the weapon
  • Ammunition
  • The basics of shooting
  • Weapon maintenance and luggage
  • Bring the weapon to your side
  • Focus exercises
  • Blank exercises for learning the correct handling and management of the short and long gun
  • Blank exercises for grip control, aiming and shooting
  • Learning how to extract and reinsert the weapon from the holster
  • Fire tests at various distances based on the statistics of the firefights
  • Material made available by the TSN section
  • Beretta 98 FS pistol cal. 9 × 21
  • Shotgun 12 gauge N ° 3 TARGETS (2 for training / 1 for skill test
  • Blue gun holsters and simulacra
  • Acoustic and visual protections

  • MVS Net system
    Headquarters and communications security
    Remote alarms and intervention management
    Patrols and shifts

SCARICA LA BROCHURE DEL CORSOScarica il company profile


  • Terrorist acts and current risks
  • Emergency management at the airport
  • Access control
  • Study of the main terrorist attack techniques and the ways in which they can be promptly identified
  • Management of critical information and the need to avoid the onset of panic and unjustified alarmism
  • Illustration of methods for identifying and countering any terrorist threats in good time

  • Introduction to the use of X-ray equipment
  • Techniques for reading images on X-ray equipment and simulator exercises

  • Learning to fall by accident during a fight or assault
  • Learn to distinguish threat from aggression
  • Defense against blades, sticks or similar always distinguishing the threat from the aggression and the relative correct use of the same rma in case of disarmament
  • In-depth study of the joint levers that allow us a defense without the use of physical force to be able to face any type of aggressor

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