'Una Mano', an aid for cancer patients to return to work

una mano accademia del lavoro

Born in Italy 'A hand', the first project for the job placement of cancer patients. The data speak for themselves and today various companies, public or private, unfortunately find themselves dealing with employees forced to leave due to the disease of the century. According to what has been learned, every year there are over 360 thousand new cases of cancer and, as witnessed by Linkiesta, more than fifty percent of those who overcome these terrible ones diseases experience considerable difficulty in returning to work.

That of cancer it is in fact an experience that can mark man, in body and mind, so much so that it can also result in some form of depression. Grace a A hand, project put into practice a Reggio Emilia, the collateral problems of the tumor are solved with the help of doctors and volunteers who, for example, make it easier to relocate behind a desk and in front of their work monitor. Promoted by the Usl Irccs company of the Emilian province and supported by the Manodori Foundation within the Wecom call (community welfare), A hand deals with non-medical assistance at 360 degrees, as specified by Claudio Tedeschi, director of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine at Santa Maria Nuova, when he speaks of “unexpressed frailty and collateral problems with a tumor”.

One hand, path for patient and employer.

The studies conducted have made it possible to ascertain the considerable difficulties of the former sick people of cancer to re-enter the workplace. The project also involves local associations but the novelty is that at the Santa Maria Nuova Arcispedale in Reggio Emilia a help desk dedicated to cancer patients has been added, so that they can receive all kinds of help and support also with regard to any practices. bureaucratic procedures, such as those relating to pensions or insurance. And it is obviously an opportunity to participate in specific training aimed at relocation to the workplace. Among the figures there is also a "therapist occupational ", that is a subject whose role is to help in the recovery of skills that before the illness the worker put into practice in daily life, through a" motivational approach ".

Reggio Emilia is the first structure to have adopted the system of A hand. Being a defined non-medical experience, it is not only the patient who is involved but also the company or the employer who for a period of time had to give up the skills of their employee.

If you are interested in following specific training in the workplace, consult the courses of the Accademia del Lavoro.

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