ADL: ASNOR recognition as a center for Orientation, Evaluation and Career Guidance


Training that rhymes with career. With the recognition ASNOR, Accademia del Lavoro it is confirmed not only important training institution in the security, aeronautical, airport and supply chain sectors, but also center for orientation, evaluation and career guidance.

A recognition that places Accademia del Lavoro officially among the points of reference for anyone interested in undertaking the right training to achieve their professional goal and, to do so, relying on a team of professional counselors.

What is Asnor National Association of Orientators

Asnor - National Association of Orientators it promotes a new culture of orientation. Thanks to the support of his Scientific Technical Committee and with the collaboration of Italian and foreign university institutions, has a network of selected realities, which provide career career guidance services.

Asnor, and all of its partners, as well Accademia del Lavoro they are important facilitators of the orientation process, and operate with certain standards of quality of services, giving support to professional training.


ASNOR's tasks in the field of career guidance

ASNOR, together with its entire network of affiliated companies, deals with:

  1. Ensure constant support to the Orientators registered in the Asnor Register with innovative projects, also the result of their listening and involvement;
  2. Offer seminars, conferences and workshops in collaboration with institutions, universities and professionals in the sector to spread the culture of guidance;
  3. Identify the best projects and establish partnerships and collaborations aimed at promoting and regulating the profession of the Professional Orientator;
  4. Always seek greater efficiency with online and face-to-face training projects dedicated to the orientation of teachers, students and their families;
  5. Build value and collaborations with the world of school, university and work.
  6. Accademia del Lavoro as an ASNOR recognized center

Accademia del Lavoro, as ASNOR recognized center, connects experts in the sector, professionals and companies, in order to provide, in addition to the best professional preparation thanks to the specific courses it organizes, also good practices, tools and methods to ensure quality guidance services.
So, Accademia del Lavoro alongside the training activity that of Orientation, Evaluation and Career Guidance, indispensable today for those who want to enter the world of work without wasting time and with the right skills acquired.
The service offered, as center recognized by ASNOR, provides for a specific series of interventions in this direction.
In particular, Accademia del Lavoro delivers specific and technical advanced training courses guiding the students in the best possible way in identifying the best path thanks to guidance advice and the assessment of skills according to highly innovative models. In support of the choice thus made, the students are then followed at the end of the course in the active job search, across the brokerage service at work with the most important and prestigious realities of the various security, aeronautics, airport and supply chain sectors. Evaluates the degree of effectiveness of the guidance intervention, follows the various training steps, thus accompanying the students before, during and after the training.

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