Becoming an herbalist: knowing the benefits of dandelion

i benefici del tarassaco accademia del lavoro

It has been used since ancient times as a medicinal herb, but perhaps few know all benefits of dandelion, a plant from purifying properties and mainly diuretic but with other important characteristics.

From a "piscialetto" plant to a fundamental element for diets

It was once called the 'piscialetto' plant, because the dandelion has a strong diuretic power, which occurs immediately after taking; it is therefore used for the recovery of physical form and as a depurative, to eliminate toxins from the body.
Among the other properties there are also purifying and laxative ones, as well as digestive ones. In fact the dandelion stimulates the secretion of the salivary and biliary glands, acting on the gastric, intestinal and pancreatic juices, promoting digestive process.

The benefits of dandelion on the body

Between benefits that the dandelion guarantees the human body there are some that deserve attention. In fact, the dandelion:

  • acts on the liver, stimulating the production of bile
  • it facilitates the emptying of the gallbladder, therefore it is used in treatments against hepatitis and cirrhosis
  • fights skin blemishes such as excess sebum
  • it is an antibacterial
  • it is an antifungal
  • it is used in slimming treatments

How to consume dandelion

For the assumption of the dandelion, it is good to know that it is a plant with a bitter taste, so much so that it is also called "crazy chicory". It can consume dandelion raw in salads, suitably seasoned with oil and lemon or in herbal teas sweetened with honey. Even the dandelion juice it is consumed in a couple of teaspoons before meals.

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In herbal medicine there are dandelion tablets that eliminate the bitter taste issue and are recommended in doses by the herbalist.

The use of this plant with multiple benefits however, it is not recommended for those suffering from acidity, renal insufficiency, gastritis, gallstones, diabetes, heart failure and for pregnant and lactating women.

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