Ayurvedic massage: the benefits of a philosophy that comes from afar

istituti professionali il massaggio ayurvedico

Three is the perfect number in the East and, according to the Indian tradition ofAyurveda all forms of life have three "doshas" or three types of energy, called "vata", "pitta" and "kapha".
On this philosophical assumption theAyurveda has developed several techniques and treatments to detoxify the body and mind, to feed it properly, and massage techniques, meditation and yoga. All done in a personalized way, designed specifically for each individual, to make him rediscover well-being and balance on the basis of a unique path.

istituti professionali il massaggio ayurvedico 2The different types of Ayurvedic massage

THE Ayurvedic massages they can be of various types, carried out with the use of particular oils:

  • The head and neck massage is carried out with personalized herbal oil and is called Abhyanga;
  • The Shirodhara it is a type of massage performed on the forehead always with an oil;
  • Vishesh is a deep muscle massage
  • Udvartana is an Ayurvedic slimming treatment that is carried out with the use of herbs;
  • Pizzichilli is made with hot herb oil;
  • The Shiro-Abhyanga-Nasya is a deep lymphatic intervention, performed thanks to the use of aromatic vapors and is carried out on the neck, shoulders, head and face.
  • Abhyanga-Garshana is a dry brushing of the skin, followed by a massage treatment with herbal oils.

istituti professionali il massaggio ayurvedico 3

What is Ayurvedic massage used for?

Ayurvedic treatment brings several benefits and is used to treat a very wide range of pathologies, such as:
- Arthritis
- Lumbago
- Spondylitis
- Shoulder locked
- Lumbosciatica
In addition, the Ayurvedic massage eliminates toxins, restores muscle tone by strengthening the muscles, smoothes the skin, nourishes it thoroughly, gives psychophysical well-being, strengthens the immune system.

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