What are the dirtiest seats on planes and at airports?

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If on the one hand it is easy to understand what the dirtiest places on planes, on the other hand, it is difficult to imagine where the greatest receptacle of germs And bacteria in airports. In fact, according to an all-American research conducted by insurancequotes.com and published on Focus, in the case of airports it is not about the toilets, unlike the planes. But let's go in order.

The toilet in the dirtiest seats on airplanes.

As for the means of transport, the dirtiest seat on board the flights is yes bath, but at a particular point. And if you think it may be the tablet of the water, you are very wrong. The dirtiest place is the button of the toilet flush, where 95 thousand would have been found CFU (colony-forming units). And if you think about it, actually, it is probable, given that that part of the bathrooms is constantly touched by the hands of hundreds and hundreds of people every day. But the number, for the layman, might say nothing. Think then that the same handle (or button) of the toilet flush in our house is "populated" on average by 30 CFU, while on the toilet seat there would be 172.

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The research provides data which, however, is not attributable to every airline company. Indeed, the sample concerns three US carriers and as many airports. The cleaning of the planes, in fact, which they say takes place between flights, would actually be at the sole discretion of the airline itself. In second place another point constantly available to the passenger: the security belt, where 1,116 colony-forming units were found on average.

As for the airports, again according to the research, the discourse would be completely different. Mind-boggling numbers on the glasses touch screens automatic check-in, where on average there would be about 254 thousand ECTS. But it is not the fact that most catches the eye. On three monitors taken into consideration, in fact, one of the screens would have registered a million CFUs. Following i armrests of the sofas placed near the embarkations, on which an average of 21 thousand CFUs were found. Finally, on the lowest step of the podium there is the button for water fountains present in the terminals, with over 19 thousand units forming colony.

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Net of the list of numbers concerning the dirtiest seats on airplanes and in airports, which could also continue (think of the bacteria that come from the ventilation ducts), what would be worrying is the presence of those potentially dangerous bacteria for health. Nothing to worry about, mind you. The best advice to follow is the usual one: wash your hands several times.

If you like airport life, check out the page of courses of the Accademia del Lavoro.

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